The music of Graham P Andrew LLCM

A5Flyer.jpg Opus 3 Ecclesiastes

An oratorio based on the Old Testament book. Ecclesiastes is an oddity in biblical terms. It contains no stories, no prophecy, no rules for a godly life. It is an essay on the human condition. It attempts to reconcile philosophy and faith.

Published on: Oct. 26, 2018, 7:30 p.m.
Number Name
E1a Introduction.jpg 0 Introduction

Prologue to the oratorio

E1b_Overture.jpg 1 Overture

The overture, introducing themes from the oratorio.

E2 A New King.jpg 2 A New King

The King claims his throne.

E3 Chasing the Wind.jpg 3 Chasing the Wind

The Philosopher sings over a strengthening storm (the Chorus).

E4 A Great King.jpg 4 A Great King

The King praises himself and his rule.

E5 God Sets the Time.jpg 5 God Sets the Time

The Chorus sings the most well-known verses from Ecclesiastes, accompanied by the ticking of time.

E6 A Frustrated King.jpg 6 A Frustrated King

The King discovers the limits of his power.

E7 Injustice.jpg 7 Injustice

The Queen sings of the injustice to be found in the world.

E8 A Desperate King.jpg 8 A Desperate King

The King faces an alarming turn of events.

E9 Don't Make Rash Promises.jpg 9 Don't Make Rash Promises

The Chorus advises against making rash promises to God.

E10 Riches.jpg 10 Riches

The Philosopher suggests that riches might not be a good thing.

E11 Eat Drink and Enjoy Yourself.jpg 11 Eat, Drink and Enjoy Yourself

The Chorus throws a party.

E12 A King in his Prime.jpg 12 A King in his Prime

The King is back on top.

E13 Wisdom.jpg 13 Wisdom

The Philsosopher and Chorus: the advantages of wisdom and the difficulty of obtaining it.

E14 More Bitter than Death.jpg 14 More Bitter than Death

The Philosopher and the Queen: on relations between the sexes.

E15 A Lost King.jpg 15 A Lost King

The King reacts badly to the news that he has been cuckolded.

E16 Do What the King Says.jpg 16 Do What the King Says

The Chorus advises on how to survive the King's rule.

E17 Life.jpg 17 Life

The Philosopher and the Queen discuss what life is like.

E18 Wisdom and Foolishness.jpg 18 Wisdom and Foolishness

The Chorus

E19 A Philosophical King.jpg 19 A Philosophical King

The King is resigned to losing his throne.

E20 You Never Know.jpg 20 You Never Know

The Philosopher on the limits to knowledge.

E21 Advice to the Young.jpg 21 Advice to the Young

The Queen advises the young on youth, old age, and death.

E22 Enjoy Life Revere God.jpg 22 Enjoy Life; Revere God

The soloists and the chorus together sum up the philosopher's message - a balance between enjoyment and reverence. He never said it would be easy.